September, some will argue, begs the end of the summer: It’s dark by 7:30 and still dark when you wake up for work; a high of 75 is considered a warm day; the MDA Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon has come and gone; you start looking at your yard wondering when it’s going to stop growing; you’ve worn jeans several times; there are yellow school busses traversing the streets on your way to work; football starts.
Alas, I sit on my back porch trying to burn what’s left of the oil in my tiki lamps. Vodka and Tonic in a pint glass. WUWM Café Tonight on the talking-box. Tonight, I have the feeling that summer is scampering away from me.
It was a month ago we all said, “I can’t believe it’s August!” Before that the same comment echoed about July. Previously for June.
It’s been a great summer, and I’ve not posted but once on Slant Rhyme. So let me quickly make up for that, and let you know what I’ve been up to this summer, with of course, the promise of
regular posts to follow.
The summer of *67:
- To date, I’ve been to about 25 Brewers baseball games. I’m a proud owner of a 10-pack season ticket package with 3 friends of mine. We still have two games left. GO BREWERS.
- Only 2 weddings this summer. Was an usher in one of them. I do have two more wedding within the next two months, and will be an usher again. (begs the saying: Once an usher, always an usher).
- I got a new job
- I was on Car Talk on National Public Radio
- My car was broken into and the entire counsel from my dash was taken
- I got a new car
- I golfed more than ever, with no significant improvement to my game
- I promised friends in Illinois and Minneapolis I would go and visit them; and I haven’t.
- I celebrated the one year anniversary of being a home (duplex) owner
- I only biked a few times, which really sucks. Glad I didn’t waste my money on a road bike!
- Enjoyed many nights at McGinns for wings, several trips to Jazz in the Park, dinners with friends, and weekend mornings with NPR and a cup of coffee
- I’m in the upper-half of my fantasy baseball league
- Lost/losing some friends…gaining others to balance things off
- Took several days off, enjoying some with my brother when he was home, and spent many days on the lake(s) with friends
- Talked about politics
Overall, it was a good summer. I love fall, though. I’m excited for it to be here. I also have a lot of things on the burner, one of which is to post here more and more substantial posts. I hope you can let me know what you think of it all, its no fun without comments.