MMMmmm, Bacon.
I don’t know if I have had the bloggers equivalent of writer’s block (I guess that would be blogger-block). Perhaps it has something to do with all the traveling I’ve been doing lately, watching too much basketball, or just that I’ve been in a funk, but it seems as though my posts to this site have been lacking. And I do apologize for that.
Today, I put an end to it.

I always park in the third row in the parking lot at work. Typically, I am about 5-7 cars deep. I can always judge if I’m late or early by where I park my car. The vehicle in front of me this morning was one of those confused and funny looking Pontiac Vibes. Only, this car was adorned with a bumper-sticker reading “Have you hugged a pig today?” It included a cartoon of a pig, standing proud, head up. This must be the pig non-verbal “hug me.”
Well, gosh. No. No I haven’t hugged a pig today! I brushed my teeth, showered, did my hair, enjoyed a bowl of Smart Start cereal with soy milk, listened to NPR and drove to work. There was no pig hugging to be had.
Where am I going to find a pig at this hour of the morning? The dashboard of this car, that’s where! Pleasantly nuzzled on the dashboard are approximately 15 pigs in various forms of stuffing. Some are looking at the road ahead, while others looking back at the vacant car. All are faded, a once blustering pig-pink, I assume.
Baffled, I wasn’t sure what to take of this pig-infused experience. I glance to the silver Honda Civic parked next to the pig Pontiac. There, resting on the passenger seat atop an Aldi Food Store plastic bag was a Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, CD.
In high school, I owned the Pink Floyd CD that had the blinking red light on it. I also have a picture of me standing on top of the Eiffel Tower wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt, large glasses, and flat hair.

Listening to: NPR
Reading: Suburban Safari-A Year on the Lawn by Hannah Holmes
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